Computing Philosophy
Core Memory
Little Fixes
Chomsky & Alexander
Cloud computing
Googling towards reality
Google's first mobile app
eBay's first mobile app
The first Location Based Service
-- Drive for webapp simplicity:
2014: Hints of a javascript anti-framework
2016: CHEQ: Central Handler Event Queue in Javascript
2020: CHAQ: Central Handler Action Queue
Good Scrum
Usable Software
Unfolding Software
Greg Bryant LinkedIn
Greg Bryant Twitter
In The Press
Oregon Daily Emerald 1-20-2017
UOMatters 1-20-2017
Register Guard 6-24-2009
Eugene Weekly 3-19-2009
OSU Life 1-22-2009
Eugene Weekly 9-18-2008
Happening People 9-18-2008
Oregonian 8-23-2008
Eugene Weekly 7-10-2008
The Register-Guard 7-18-2007
Eugene Weekly 6-21-2007
Eugene Weekly 4-12-2007
Eugene Weekly 3-8-2007
Oregon Daily Emerald 2-28-2007
The Register-Guard 2-24-2007
Eugene Magazine Winter 2006
Network Computing3-13-2006
Oregon Daily Emerald 10-13-2005
UO press release 9-13-2004
Register-Guard 3-27-2004
Oregon Daily Emerald 1-22-2004
Ward's AutoWorld 8-1-2003 3-14-2003 2-6-2003
The Register 1-24-2003
The Independent (I'm the unnamed character) 2-28-2000
Fortune, Boston Globe, New Age Journal, National Enquirer 1994
Oregonian, 6-7-1989
My Timeline -- writing, projects, videos, notices:
Christopher Alexander at the Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture
Morphology and Software Development
Google Datastore URL-safe keys: incompatibilities from db to ndb inaccessible to LLMs
A Pattern to Reverse Privatization
Python 2.7 -> 3.8 on App Engine. Ordered checklist with an unfolding stub.
Google Gemini fails simplest text-to-image tasks
Fixing an erratic remote editor
Are we losing reality?
Tesla was a giant step backwards for electric cars a mobile webapp for making feeling maps
Fixing software updates by playing with hardware
gmail broken with arbitrary, invisible, forced short autowrap
Werkzeug ... and who is responsible for code stability?
Error messages, Google Maps, PinElement, AdvancedMarkerElement, MapId
Deleting a Google Cloud Platform domain mapping under Google App Engine
Simplest Google App Engine Python 3.8 Flask web app with Google Identity
Datastore preservation: migrating Python 2.7 to Python 3 on Google App Engine
October 24: Pattern Languages of Programming 2022 conference
Analogous Unfolding (video)
Unfolding Sequences - an introduction (video)
Unfolding Sequences video transcript
The Beautiful Software Thesis: feeling as the core of good engineering (video)
Adaptation. Part one. Adapting to the environment. Flint & brick.(video)
Trying to stop a 12-story building
Demonstration part 2: plan for an environment friendly to 'central description unfolding'
Demonstration: the unfolding of an essence (or central description)
A comfortable, operational, Central Description is the Essence of a project
Christopher Alexander: pattern languages are for communities (video)
Nature, life, and self: Christopher Alexander after a pattern language (video)
CHAQ: Central Handler Action Queue
PUARL+BB presentation: Beautiful Software seminar
Beautiful Software at Building Beauty
Beautiful Software announcement for Building Beauty
Conversation: Ryan Singer and Greg Bryant
Beautiful Software
Pattern Center
Smart Compose will destroy your brain.
Computing Philosophy vodcasts
Climate Computer
Biology and Pedagogy of Judgment
Edge of Awe
Added Natural Areas (principle 2) and Wildlife Habitat (principle 10) to the UO Campus Plan
Saving the Wild Riverfront
Stopping bad campus plans
Building Beauty: The Wonder of Mockups
2018 Jane Jacobs Walk
People's Urbanism
Unfolding Software: The Basics
Climate Summer
Co-edited PUARL conference proceedings
Wrote 'Digging for Universals' for 'Edge of Awe'
Responsible Computing
Museum Exchange proposal ... to reverse privatization
The point of the Oregon Experiment
The Jane Jacobs walk
Constant Human Capacities
Fighting pointless reorganizing
Candidate statement for my second senate term
Stopping a bad computing policy
Building Beauty in Sorrento
The Revitalization of Downtown Eugene
Computing as Mental Construct
Software for the world we want
The creative campus and institutional democracy
Breathing life into study and practice
Central Handler Event Queue
Tilt Vision
Energy Computer
Google translate in the wrong direction
Mentioned in Architectural Design
Arguing for sunset clauses
Stopped an anti-survivor top-down policy
Notes for the university board of trustees
infinite garden on Google+
Memex Today
Living Structure and Cognition
Scrum Café
Show your accessibility
WCAG 2.0 audit improvement tracking
WCAG-audit Google Chrome extension
WCAG-audit github project
Research Support
Explanatory Development
Our Perception of 'Analog' and 'Digital' in the Natural World
The Inventory Problem
It's in your head
The Wrong Tools
Theory and Experiment in the Natural Science of Computing
The Primary Practical Barometer of Programming Progress
Sketch Life
Examine Life
Detect Life
Power & Climate
Reflections on PUARL 2013: hope & surprises
A History of Waste
If Computing were a Natural Science, What Might it Look Like?
Is it a Network?
The Problems with Recursion
Grogix for programming language error-reporting
Morphogenesis simulation: The Horrid Laboratory
Fight the Borg
The Coöptation of Methodology
Computing as Natural Science
Habits for any Natural Science of People
Computation is broader than the Turing Machine
Vitalism and Machine Learning
Intelligibility and technical definitions: explanation vs. explanatory theory
The application of feeling
Three aspects of programming language design: mentation mysteries, metaphysical mathematical momentum, and 'the shortcut'
The Biology of Computer Programming
Phenomenology as grist for cognitive biology
The endless ramifications of bad science
Engineering is not science
A Center of Community
Revisiting Berlin
Making Room for Localization
The Science of Common Sense
The transfer of workspot
EVs and the grid: scenario planning with simulations
Automated geographic fraud analysis
Occupy Downtown
Mechanical Philosophy and The Nature of Order
Orders of Magnitude
The Local Economy Cookbook
Story Epidemiology
First smart grid simulation / scenario planning tool for electric vehicles
The Most Important Disentanglement
Google Language
Depth and Innate Judgements
Grogix 0.2
Grogix: the GRammar-Operated General information computing system
Grammar-centric programming
The Conditional Production
Decimating the WikiBase
Modularity within an Operational Grammar
Interfaces and Productions
Core Memory: Unfolding sequences in software
Core Memory: List and Items
Smoothly Unfolding Project Language (SUPL)
Last Chance to Dance
The West End of Broadway
Downtown Music and Dance
Developmental sequences: Motivation
Developmental sequences: The Generic Goal
Good Paths
Empty projects do nothing
A Synthesis of Grammar and Life
Sequences: linear and differentiaing
Rethinking the fundamental aspects of functions
Mux-Demux: Coherence in Massive Generative Grammars
The Nature of Non-profit Incubators
Downtown Together!
Downtown Eugene collective
The Past vs.the Too Small argument
User-Generated Downtown
Eugene Celebration
The past few months
Web Strategy for a City
Minding the gaps
Pirates and Emperors
Sequences: Passing Keys
Easily Destroyed
Solutions always come from people
Start giving people control
A Community Responds to a Request For Qualifications
A Peck of Park Patterns
Boondoggles or nothing
Decommissioning the Gravy Train
Healthy Garden
People win one
Fashionable prisons
Urban renewal profit
Coopting Community
Speak your mind
Minority Report
Volunteer Bureaucrats
City Admissions
Urban Renewal and Taxes
Creepy Urban Renewal
Two Conditions
It is a Subsidy
Cut Off City Hall
Board Games
Disguised Partisanship
Democracy vs Urban Renewal
Contacting Community
Real Costs
Take From The Poor To Give To The Rich
Amused Staff
Citizens Advisory
Power Fantasy and Helpful Reality
No Dilemma
West Broadway Specifics
Multi-purpose Community Centers
Compared to what?
Four small
Principle of continuity
Redevelopment Closed to the Public
Subsidized Gentrification
Flash Murmurs of Subconcious Guilt
Plethora of Possibilities
What works
Civic Priorities
West Broadway 1927
Unsustainable Urban PLanning
Responses to the RFQ
Film of Downtown Eugene Proposal
First do no harm
Priorities inside the bubble
The Fabric of Ancient Civilization
Venice didn't die
People spaces
Cozy Refuge
Capitelli: Restoration under the radar
The lost art of evidence fabrication
Matching data to slogans
Transmission cluster analysis
Citizen rule #1: never trust your government
Google Map of a threatened downtown
Communities are more important than their buildings
Involvement, empowerment, and feeling
Network Computing: Linux Web Conferencing
A Downtown Option
Organic increase in density
Urban Renewal vs. the Universal Declaration
Meeting with Planners
Planning is a human rights issue
RFQ Development Approved
Downtown Collective
Searching for Answers
First Story
Downtown Organizations at risk
Well that didn't work
Keep it local
Fixing the private welfare system
Projects for downtown
Patterns in a picture
Pattern: conservatori
Patterns in a picture II
Patterns in a picture III
Patterns in a picture IV
Alternating Drips
Blaming geography for 'progress'
Obscuring power: or why Jared Diamond et al. make me see red
Noam Chomsky on Intellectual Property
South America & Web 2.0
The Colbert I'd really like to see
The Publick Record
Automatic recognition and generation
Oh it's a major operation, I agree
The Supposed Popularity of Fast Food
The role of the weatherman
Google transport: A to B
Community Projects: a neighborhood self-management tool
Community Projects Specification
Keeping things alive is the key to self-repair
Centers and the Web
Opera in context
Memory loss
A New approach to museums: part one
A New approach to museums: part two
What will work
Distraction & opportunity
Rank news
On the other hand ... don't even listen
How can a computer uncover physical reality?
It's obvious, but is it visible?
On the map
The privatization of truth
Deception is the root of poverty
The news is the problem, not the people
More map tricks & annotations
Planned incandescence
The note in the crowd
Real collaboration
CFR eats PBS
Google news worsening
The disaster trick
Imperial cliché
Stylish Romans
Not now? You're kidding ...
"Lingering" nuclear weapons?
Journalism is NOT the first draft of history
The Guardian is long gone
Disappearing differences & assertive enclosures
An interface for your conclusions
Map search broken
Just a matter of time ... ?
Geographical connection engine ...
The Pit is the Stage
The Pre-milonga Recipe
Connecting to the Outside
Selective Pressure Initiates Change
Where's the spark?
Latent bookshelves
What's a pattern?
Avoiding Enslavement
The Lost Doors
Undermining Profit
Department of Hypocrisy & Insecurity
Fluffy press release analysis, with no follow-up
Press releases & wire services
"Strong dollar" = "none for you"
News gloss
Primary phrasing
Chomsky & Alexander
The stack
Restore Art
The Corporate Theory of Government
The R3 Trick
The post-dotcom-crash trough: from inside
The post-dotcom-crash trough: from outside gaim & workspot
Tango Center 0.1
Bruce Sterling discovers workspot
Greg Bryant in Autoworld
The Woodfire Center
The Woodfire Center
A Universal Sequence
Linux Journal spotlight on the winners of the Penguin Playoffs: Workspot
Workspot wins Linux Journal's Best Web Solution
Olga Volchkova's Workspot dotcom frontpage
Olga Volchkova's Workspot artwork
co-founded in the NYTimes 1 in the NYTimes 2
San Francisco Examiner: Christopher Alexander describes my web strategy
Sketches from the heart of the dotcom boom
Ollswang art retrospective
A Linux Desktop Anywhere
Public domain prior art from the dotcom boom
Google's first mobile app
Barnes & Noble: the first mobile bookstore app
The first production deployment of linux at a public corporation
eBay's first mobile app
eBay's press release about my workspot
First mobile app for the Library of Congress, and for live congressional voting
Blooming Logic
My original workspot site
Mention in IEEE (full article)
The first Location Based Service
Gatemaker, or the Aspen Summit
Report on Software Issues
Thoughts on the Aspen Meeting
Gatemaker - a rough video walk-through
Time Underground
RAIN Magazine 1996
The West End: The Fallout
experimental café storefront generator
The West End: The Proposal
Human-Powered Vehicles
The first navigation guide authoring tools
Languages for content generation
Design-build in architectural education
Alexander visits The Oregon Experiment
The application of feeling, with Christopher Alexander
The early days of car-sharing
Eugene Car Coop: Fortune, Boston Globe, New Age Journal, National Enquirer
A Pour in The Foundry
In the Whole Earth Catalog
RAIN Magazine 1994
The CAT: The Center for Appropriate Transport
Successful non-profit status application for CAT
RAIN Magazine 1993
'Cities Against Centralization'
'Cities Against Centralization' reprint in Our Generation
Community Supported Agriculture
Global and Local Cameras
Making Workbikes for the Neighborhood
Lateral Medieval Relationships
RAIN Magazine 1992
The Oregon Experiment after Twenty Years
Medieval Movements and the Orgins of Switzerland
The Lao Alternative
RAIN Magazine 1991
The first green platform convention
Multihead Finite Automata
PDQ: Queries with Objects
PDQ in action: Sherpa
A year in Japan: computer language design, numerical control, robotics, CAD/CAM, and karate
Intel & the most influential chip
On Writing Simulators and the Use of Macros
The First App Store
Steens Mountain Archaeological Field School
Behavioral Medicine
De Bug 107
De Bug 106
A brief obsession with community theatre
Computing in the early seventies
Museum orientation for university students
My first published photo of a computer
1973 with 2 of Henry Dreyfuss' last projects: 747 coach-lounge piano-bar; the Polaroid SX-70